


我現在使用兩種︰Extra Coverage及Ultimate All Day。感覺好像差不多耶~~ 


Fantastic 是潤澤妝效,光亮感較重
Extra 是半霧半光澤的妝效
Ultimate 是粉霧的妝效

Fantastic Finish
乾性肌 - SPF 21 - 5oz (15ml) ~ 可以說是彩妝界第一個礦物質粉底液,保濕度最佳,屬於清透自然的妝感,質地保濕透亮(像露水dew一樣水嫩),因此遮瑕能力只有輕度到中度而已,適合好皮膚或乾肌的美人兒,讓乾性肌膚的美人兒們也可以開心享受礦物質彩妝帶來的樂趣,而不必擔心過於乾燥。
Moisturizing Sunscreen Makeup - Get your glow back with this moisturizing formula. It provides a sheer to medium coverage to even skin tone and texture for a soft luminous finish. Helps to lock in moisture and hydrate the skin. *May be set with a translucent face powder for a matte look. 100% Oil-free.

Extra Coverage
中性肌 - SPF 21 - 5oz (15ml) ~ 此組是三組中遮暇度最佳的粉底,針對泛紅、黑眼圈、痘疤部位有補強效果,除
Semi-Matte Finish Sunscreen Makeup - Want the coverage without the makeup look? This semi-matte foundation serves a dual purpose as a full coverage foundation and a concealer. Excellent for concealing redness, hyperpigmentation, acne and dark circle underneath the delicate eye area. Can be used in conjunction with Fantastic Finish or Ultimate All Day as a concealer.

Ultimate All Day 油性肌 - SPF21 - 5oz (15ml) 此款有吸油防水效果,霧面的感覺,能保持整天不掉妝,遮暇力三組中次高。遮瑕度中上,不錯的控油能力,不易脫妝,擦上去是粉霧般美感,美化肌膚修飾粗大毛孔,讓您告別油光滿面的尷尬情況。
Matte Finish
Sunscreen Makeup - Can't find a foundation that last? Well this oil-absorbing matte finish foundation is your match. It will not rub off or swear off and is highly water resistant. Provides medium coverage to even skin tone and conceal blemishes. No need for additional powder or blotting! *Normal to dry skin types, prep skin types, prep skin with an oil-free moisturizer. 100% Oil-free.


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